We are grateful to the National Science Foundation's Division of Materials Research (DMR-1710112) for their support of our work on colloidal phase transitions. Thank you, NSF!
Daichi joins the lab
Daichi Hayakawa joins the lab from Tokyo as a first-year PhD student in Physics. Welcome, Daichi!
The lab welcomes 6 new students!
We are thrilled to have 6 new students joining the lab this summer: James Sheehy, Janna Lowensohn, and Huang Fang will join the lab as first-year PhD students in Physics; Shira Rosenberg and Gabe Freiman join as undergraduate research assistants from the QBReC program; and Kess Ofunrein joins as an REU student from Hampton University. Welcome!
Alex passes his advanced exam
On Monday, Alex passed his advanced exam on "Characterizing the dynamics of self-assembly of DNA-coated colloids." Congrats, Alex!
Rogers and Ivanovic Labs receive the Provost Research Award!
The Rogers and Ivanovic Labs receive the Provost Research Award to initiate a collaborative project on viral adaptation.
Ishan and Kirsten join as Biochemistry rotation students
Ishan and Kirsten, two first-year PhD students in Biochemistry, join the lab for a final rotation. Welcome Ishan and Kirsten!
Josh receives Schiff Undergraduate Fellowship!
Josh has been named a Schiff Undergraduate Fellow and will receive a fellowship to support a collaborative project aimed at developing an interactive learning exhibit on self-assembly. Congrats Josh!
Olivia receives MRSEC Undergraduate Research Fellowship!
Olivia has been awarded a MRSEC Summer Materials Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SMURF) to continue her work studying the thermodynamics of competition in mixtures of biological molecules. Congrats, Olivia!