The Rogers Lab ended the year with a vibrant holiday party with sumptuous dinner while making some art work. Here is a picture of Hunter and Mason’s effort at assembling a pretzel house. Don’t judge their self-assembly expertise based on these images
The group presents at the 100th NECF workshop organised at Brandeis
The Brandeis MRSEC hosted the 100th New England Complex Fluids workshop on 20th September 2024. It was a wonderful event with nearly 40 soundbites from researchers from all major schools in New England and invited talks ranging from designing biomaterials to making open science tools to quantify their mechanical behavior. Grads, undergrads and postdocs from the lab presented their works on DNA origami, colloidal crystals and enzyme diffusion at the workshop. Here are a few glimpses of them presenting their work.
Congratulations to Dr. Hayakawa!
Daichi mesmerized the audience talking about his DNA origami tubule assemblies and extensive work on symmetry based design rules to make various tilings. Further showing his recent success in assembling DNA origami toroids. Here is Daichi with Ben and committee member Seth (center) after successfully defending his PhD.
The group celebrates Daichi's paper in ACS Nano
The group celebrated the acceptance of Daichi and Thomas’ paper in ACS Nano with food from a local favorite, Taqueria El Amigo.
The group celebrates Thomas' paper in Science Advances
The group celebrated the acceptance of Thomas and Daichi’s paper in Science Advances with a trip to Redbones in Somerville.
2023 in Reviews
Looking back at 2023, Ben's official first year as tenured faculty, the lab witnessed some great additions to the already existing crew and amazing achievements by the members.
Here are some highlights:
Alex's work published in Nature communications
Ben awarded The Michael L. Walzer '56 Award for Teaching
Thomas was selected as one of the Rising Stars in Soft and Biological Matter by the UChiacgo and UCSD MRSEC.
Daichi received the Best Poster award in DNA29 and is an APS ESME (emerging soft matter excellence) Award finalist.
Daichi at DNA29
Excerpt from the BrandeisNow article on May 5, 2023
Daichi along with other finalists
Daichi's DNA origami paper now in PNAS!
Daichi’s paper on realizing self-limited assembly of tubules with DNA origami is now out in PNAS ( Congratulations!
Huang's Paper out in Soft Matter
Huang’s recent simulation work on understanding the kinetics of tubule growth is now out in Soft Matter ( Congratulations!